
Heavy Boating

We've weighed everything with tally in a spreadsheet, and are about 75 pounds below maximum weight with full fuel. Alas, that doesn't include the 40# kayak. It's pretty amazing what it does include though! We've bagged it all into about a dozen bags of various sizes, and will weigh it all again tomorrow in groups of about 40# to get a more accurate reading from our digital bathroom scale. I'm confident we'll be at or below our current total that's rounded up from weighing things in the assorted 4# to 20# bags. So the good news is, when we arrive at Santa Fe with about half fuel we'll be about 200# below max. weight. Now we get to distribute the weight for best flight handling, and find ways to lash it all down. Looks like we'll have plenty of space for everything. We figure there will be some things we forgot, and can buy in San Diego. Other things we'll get along the way can be offset by mailing home anything we're not using. Plus we won't be doing any high altitude flying after Santa Fe, so it's ok to eat up a little of that 75# reserve later in the Adventure.

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